GTP-архив: Therapy
- A Beat Special
- A Moment Of Clarity
- Accelerator
- Armageddon Checklist
- Bad Karma Follow You Around
- Black Eyes, Purple Sky
- Brainsaw
- Church Of Noise
- Die Laughing
- Disgracelands
- Epilespy
- Evil Elvis
- Femtex
- Gimme Back My Brain
- Heaven's Gate
- Hellbelly
- Hey Satan - You Rock
- If It Kills Me
- Innocent X
- Isolation
- Joey
- Kids Stuff
- Knives
- Last One To Heaven's A Loser
- Little Tongues First
- Lonely, Cryin', Only
- Long Distance
- Loose
- Meet Abstract
- My Voodoo Doll
- Nausea
- Neck Freak
- Nowhere
- Opal Mantra
- Our Love Must Die
- Perish The Thought
- Perversonality
- Potatto Junkie
- Rock You Monkeys
- Rust
- Screamager
- Screamager (2)
- Screamager Acoustique
- Six Mile Water
- Skyward
- Stay Happy
- Stop you're killing me
- Stories
- Stories (2)
- Straight Life
- Tatty Seaside Town
- Teeth Grinder
- Tightrope Walker
- Trigger Inside
- Turn
- Unbeliever
- Wall Of Mouths