GTP-архив: As I Lay Dying
- 94 Hours
- 94 Hours (2)
- 94 Hours (3)
- An Ocean Between Us
- Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier
- Bury Us All
- Bury Us All (2)
- Collision
- Confined
- Confined (2)
- Elegy
- Falling Upon Deaf Ears
- Forced To Die
- Forever
- Forsaken
- I Never Wanted
- Meaning In Tragedy
- Meaning In Tragedy (2)
- Morning Waits
- Morning Waits (2)
- Nothing Left
- Refined By Your Embrace
- Reflection
- Repeating Yesterday
- Seperation
- Song 10
- Song 10 (2)
- The Beginning
- The Beginning (2)
- The Darkest Nights
- The Innocence Spilled
- The Sound Of Truth
- The Truth Of My Perception
- This Is Who We Are
- Through Struggle
- Undefined